Massachusetts has 351 cities and towns, the largest and best-known of course being Boston -- sometimes called the Hub of the Universe, and certainly the hub of New England. Most of the 351 are of similar spatial extent, but populations range from under 1,000 to about 20,000 for the vast majority.
About a dozen of the cities, though, are a bit bigger, and serve as local hubs. These are called Gateway Cities because each is the point of entry for a region of surrounding towns. In terms of cultural activities and economic activities, these gateways are crucial, and they have been the subject of considerable concern in recent years.
A new report from Rockland Trust Bank presents a bit of good news from each of 11 Gateway Cities. Problems persist in all of them, but positive, focused attention seems to be paying off as well. This is the context within which our New Bedford Fortnight learning will take place.
Gateway Cities Update (November 2016)